Lost mojo is something that affects all of us, at least some of the time. So we asked leading creatives how they switch on the creative magic when they genuinely need to. And we share some of their best solutions in the article below.Image licensed via Adobe Stock

Step away from the problem

Step away and give your brain a little time to process things

Make a playlist

Change up the sounds you’re listening to.

Recreate scenarios

Close your eyes, immerse yourself in your favorite playlist, and let your creativity take you where it wants to go

Make a mess

Experiment first, and be open to what you come up with.

Develop a ritual

Create a ritual of things you do every time you start a brief.

Employ mindfulness

Be mindful, and remove yourself from all the thoughts in your head to focus on the present moment and the bigger picture

Make things quickly

Putting time restrictions in place can be a great way to unblock your flow


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