How to be mediocre and be happy with yourself

How to be mediocre and be happy with yourself
How to be mediocre and be happy with yourself

In the novel Catch-22, the author Joseph Heller famously wrote: “Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, others achieve greatness, and some men are thrust upon them.” He’d taken a quote by Shakespeare on greatness and turned it on its head.

The art of kakonomics

Sometimes parties conspire, whether consciously or unconsciously, to achieve either a low-quality or a mediocre outcome

  • Kakonomics is an Oxford University paper about this
  • The premise is that sometimes people do not show up for meetings or fail to show up at all
  • Messages get lost or get mixed up
  • Reimbursements get delayed, decreased or forgotten altogether

Social media pressures

We can’t all be Leo Tolstoy, Michael Jordan or Albert Einstein – and it shouldn’t matter to us that we won’t be

  • The problem, Mr Manson argues, is that social media ensures we’re constantly exposed to the highlight reel of people’s lives
  • While “mediocrity, as a goal, sucks… as a result, is OK”.

Not average

Krista O’Reilly Davi-Digui lives in a small town of about 10,000 people in the Canadian province of Alberta, just outside the city of Edmonton.

  • It’s not particularly isolated, plus she’s traveled quite a bit in her life, to Africa, Europe and different parts of Canada.
  • She taught herself to be bilingual.

Easing up

Sometimes we conspire consciously or unconsciously to achieve the lowest possible outcome

  • Leornardo Marseglia, who was charged with fraud in the 1990s for selling adulterated oil under the label “extra virgin”, something that should denote it is of superior quality
  • Even in Italy, extra virgin olive oil is expensive
  • He was acquitted because many people could afford it
  • The route to mediocrity isn’t always paved with such disingenuity

Getting off the wheel

Krista O’Reilly Davi-Digui: “When I say I’m mediocre, I am,” she says, posing the question in a recent blog, What if I am mediocre and choose to be at peace with that?”

  • Many of us just want to get off the hamster wheel and breathe. But many of us never do.
