How To Block Out Distractions to Make Better Content

How To Block Out Distractions to Make Better Content
How To Block Out Distractions to Make Better Content

If you want to become a content creator in today’s industry, you need to take care of many things. Boost your productivity in only 4 steps and create better content by blocking out distractions and staying online at the same time. Sometimes I wish I was Oscar Wilde. Who wouldn’t, right?

How to block out distractions in 4 steps

Control your internal triggers

  • Find your purpose
  • Delay or remove external stimuli
  • Discourage distractions
  • These are internal measures you can use to control your behavior and resist procrastination.
  • The latter ones are external, and can be used to block or delay distractions.

Find your purpose

If you care about something or someone, there’s nothing that can stop you. On the contrary, if you have a purpose and a goal you are willing to pursue with all your power, everything else disappears.

  • Usually, we establish our lives in three spheres: work, relationships, and ourselves
  • Search for a purpose for each of those spheres: Define how much of your free time you want to dedicate to your work, and give yourself enough time to grow into a great and lovable person

Delay or remove external stimuli

The first step in dealing with external stimuli is to learn how to delay them

  • There are four predominant causes for external triggers
  • Write down everything that distracted you coming from an external source
  • Ask yourself if the triggers were necessary for completing the goal you were pursuing
  • Try to remove any unnecessary triggers


Music can help you concentrate and increase your productivity

How to block out distractions using internal actions

Learn how to control internal triggers and limit your needs or delay them until you finish the task you are currently working on.

  • Find a purpose so high that it nullifies every other action that doesn’t directly benefit your goals.

Discourage distractions

Focus on building obstacles for some distractions to keep them distant

  • For example, putting the phone in another room makes it easier for you to stop checking notifications every few minutes.
  • You can use these barriers to boost your tasks, for example, a system that increases your instant gratification with rewards.

Control your internal triggers

Triggers are the patterns our body uses to communicate its needs to our brain

  • Learn how to control the sensations your body conveys
  • Every time you receive distracting impulses, find the cue that precedes the triggers and write it on a piece of paper
  • Try to remove the causes if possible
  • If you decide to act on the cause, start by finding new ways of performing the task you interrupted


When you try to multitask, you keep switching between contexts and can’t concentrate on one thing at a time, so you lose most of your time trying to focus than deepening your efficiency

Set a timer and stick to it

Timers can help you stay committed to focusing on one task until you finish it.

  • Use it as a reminder to take short breaks during your work time which helps prevent burnout and keeps you productive in the long run.

Final thoughts

To become a productive content creator, you need to learn how to focus on your craft

  • 4 simple steps
  • Control your internal triggers
  • Search for a purpose that makes you focus on a single goal and keep working to achieve it
  • Once you apply those two internal solutions, you can also act on external ones

How to block out distractions using external modifiers

Notifications, sound, lights, vibrations, and vibrations – everything distracts us, and the only way to deal with all those interruptions is to delay or shut them down


Smartphones are our worst enemies when dealing with blocking out distractions


Clutter is another cause of high inputs and distractions
