Gain valuable insights into the realm of branding as Youri Sawerschel, a distinguished Brand Strategist and Educator, shares compelling perspectives.

Focusing on the power of perception and the transformation of an ordinary pen into a symbolic brand, he sheds light on the importance of storytelling, visual identity, and meaningful narratives in creating perceived value.

The power of perception

Perception plays a crucial role in determining how we value things.

Branding is essentially the art and science of altering these perceptions.

Through effective branding techniques, even the most mundane object, such as a pen, can be transformed into a meaningful brand.

The way we value things depends on how we perceive them. – Youri Sawerschel

Branding beyond physicality

Branding transcends the physical product or service.

The ‘We the Thinkers’ pen brand, for instance, extends its narrative to notebooks, cafes, hotels, and perfumes, all with the central theme of inspiring thought.

This demonstrates the expansive potential of a well-constructed brand.