How To Choose The Right Meeting Cadence For Remote Teams

How To Choose The Right Meeting Cadence For Remote Teams

A meeting cadence is how often a meeting is held. In an increasingly distributed workforce where a face-to-face meeting is sometimes the only interactions you’ll have with your team, these are often overscheduled in the hopes that these “in person” meetings will be beneficial to building relationships and team morale

The right meeting cadence

Decide which meetings needs to be asynchronous (delayed responses) and which ones need to be in-person, synchronous meetings

Do we run out of items to discuss in these types of meetings?

If not, consider consolidating those into a weekly check-in and moving those daily updates to be asynchronous updates rather than in-person ones.

Fewer Meetings = Better Meetings

15% of an organization’s time is spent in meetings

If At First You Don’t Succeed, Try a New Meeting Cadence

Your team size and company culture will have a lot to do with how you want to communicate internally as a team.

Is this a high-priority or urgent task?

Only team leaders will know what these projects are and be able to determine how frequent these check-ins need to be.

How to Improve Your Meetings with Friday

Fewer and better meetings are key to a productive work week and a happier team

Do these types of meetings regularly run over the allotted time?

Meetings that frequently feel like they get cut short might be a reason to schedule those meetings to be more frequent rather than longer.

Change Your Cadence: Asynchronous vs Synchronous Meetings

Information seeking meetings can fall into any of the following categories: A kickoff meeting for a new project, A project team meeting to discuss next steps, A management meeting to check in on how teams are running

What is the goal of this meeting?

Is this meeting’s goal to offer up new information to key players or is it simply for people to update the team

Can this meeting happen asynchronously?

As a remote or distributed team, you have flexibility and you do not have to fall back on the defaults of the past.

Do’s and Don’ts for your meetings

Create an agenda


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