Email marketing today is a lot different from what it used to be. Users expect more than just a weekly or monthly promotional newsletter; they expect to be engaged and catered to. That’s why you need to be very conscious while planning out your newsletter campaign. You need to research and use data analytics to know your subscribers and their interest better

Do a Competitor Analysis

Keep up with your competitors by analyzing their marketing strategies and giving you fresh ideas.

Pick an Interesting Subject Line

Subject line creates the first impression of your email. If the subject line isn’t intriguing, your email will most likely get abandoned.

  • Refer to data analytics. It will guide you on how to phrase your subject line to get your subscribers’ attention.

Be Conscious Of Timing

With 250 billion emails sent daily, your emails might get lost if you don’t pick the right time to send them

  • Research when your targeted users engage with email and send out the newsletters at that time
  • If you’re selling an AC right before winter, people won’t be interested in buying it
  • You need to plan your newsletter according to the trend

Design Emails That Catch Attention

Present content in a way that catches the attention of the reader

  • Use animation and graphics that support your content and don’t overcrowd your newsletter
  • Create email templates to help you create eye-catching content
  • If you’ve got the budget, hire a designer


Like any other relationship-building process, this is going to take time. You won’t be able to master it in one go. Keep practicing and testing over time.

Include Relevant Content

Plan out what you will include in the newsletter before sending it out. Know the interests of your subscribers.

Maintain consistency and frequency

Know how often you will send out newsletters and make sure they are consistent

  • This will ensure that no subscriber is left hanging and will allow them to anticipate your emails at a specific time of the month
  • It will also prevent them from being ignored or missed
