Hey folks! today’s thread is about “What are the detailed steps to create an online course” I’m not going to confuse with so tech-related terms; instead, I will list steps which make wonders to online course creation 💃 #eLearning #Onlineclass #onlinecourse #creators #startup

Step 1: Identify Goals (Understanding what skills or knowledge your learners need to gain will help you design an effective course.) Step 2: Gather Content (you’ll need to gather the information, images, logos, reference documents, and webpages you’ll use to build it.)

Step 3: Storyboard (is a really creative piece of the process, where you’ll organize information, brainstorm the interactions and knowledge checks, and generally figure out how you’ll present content to learners)

Step 4: Build a Prototype (basic version of your course, using an e-learning authoring tool, such as Articulate Storyline or Studio. This helps you to analyze where you can improve)

Step 5: Get Feedback, Tweak, finalize (Share your prototype after getting NDA with higher authoritative and ask for their comments. You can also have words with different heads in the same niche)

Step 6: Get the Course to Learners (you’ll need a learning management system (LMS) that can deliver and track e-learning activity or basically marketing!)

Step 7: Measure Your Success (Measuring the success of your course is an important final step. There are tons of great approaches to measuring your course’s success, from low-tech paper surveys to data-driven investigations of ROI and performance improvements.)

This is the head-shot informative to focus on, eventually your online courses will boom up in no day! #business #ecommerce #startupnetflix #hustler #businesstips

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