Delegation can be a daunting task, especially for perfectionists. However, it's an essential skill for effective leadership. Let's explore strategies to overcome the fear of delegating, ensuring tasks are completed to your high standards without sacrificing your sanity or productivity.


Studies show perfectionism-or striving for unrealistically high standards-is on the rise

  • While a drive to exceed expectations is admirable, perfectionism can lead to excess self-criticism, poorer quality of workplace performance, and more serious consequences like burnout and depression.
  • It’s entirely possible to aspire to excellence without striving for unrealistic standards

Share Responsibility

As the delegator, your job is to define the “what” or the final deliverable and “why,” or the context and purpose

  • Be clear about expectations and criteria for success, but delegate authority over how the task is accomplished
  • Approach delegation as a thought partnership
  • Invite team member into the process and let them share ideas

Consider the cost

Delegation is a chance for your team and colleagues to learn, grow, and acquire new skills and competencies

  • Assess perfectionism’s price on your own well-being
  • While you may think trying to do more positions you as a rockstar, a lack of delegation actually signals to senior management that you’re not ready for more responsibility

Start Small

You have to build a comfort and capacity for delegation within yourself and on your team in stages

  • Choose a low-stakes task you can delegate first
  • Research shows that the perception of progress creates an upward spiral that begets more ownership, creativity, and motivation
