Mastering the art of negotiation is crucial, especially when it comes to discussing salaries. Let's delve into strategies that can empower you to confidently ask for what you're worth, transforming the daunting task into a constructive conversation.

If you’re burned out and overwhelmed by the pandemic, asking for more may feel like adding something onto an already full plate

You could be focused on just getting by, but you’re at risk of burnout if you don’t feel valued

  • Now is the time to ask for more – companies are having a hard time retaining talent
  • Your worth on the market has never been greater

Then land the plane

Silence can be a superpower in negotiation

  • It gives the other person time to think and prevents you from bidding against yourself
  • Clarify what you need by asking your question, having the courage to make your ask, and landing the plane

Prepare to ask for more

Get better at asking for more by realizing where negotiation starts

  • “It doesn’t start from the moment you sit down with your boss; it starts at home with you,” says Carter. “It starts with being able to clarify your goals, your concerns, and your needs.”

Choose “what” over “why”

Once you know what you want, prepare to ask powerful questions. Ask “What’s the promotion process going to look like this year?” or “What do you need from me to make the case for my promotion?” Then listen to the answer.

  • “What” questions are powerful, but Carter’s favorite two words for negotiation are “tell me” and “Tell me.”
