How to Get People to Say “Yes” | Robert Cialdini | The Knowledge Project 122

How to Get People to Say “Yes” | Robert Cialdini | The Knowledge Project 122
How to Get People to Say “Yes” | Robert Cialdini | The Knowledge Project 122

Psychologist Robert Cialdini explores the principles of influence in this episode of The Knowledge Project.

He discusses the difference between influence and manipulation, and delves into the key principles of reciprocation, liking, social proof, authority, and scarcity.

The conversation also covers how to use these principles ethically and how to defend against them.

Scarcity: A Principle of Influence

Scarcity is a principle that suggests people are more likely to desire something if they believe it is in short supply.

This principle is often used in marketing to create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate action.

Reciprocation: A Powerful Principle

Reciprocation is a potent principle of influence.

People are more likely to comply with a request if they feel indebted to return a favor.

This sense of obligation is stronger when the favor is customized to the recipient’s needs, preferences, or challenges.

Defending Against Manipulative Liking

To defend against the principle of liking being used manipulatively, be aware of when someone is using compliments or similarities to gain an advantage.

Treat these as attempts to exploit rather than genuine expressions of liking.

The Role of Reciprocal Concessions

Reciprocal concessions play a part in the principle of reciprocation.

If a large request is made and then reduced to a smaller one, people are more likely to agree to the smaller request.

This is because they feel obligated to reciprocate the concession made by the requester.

We are obligated to give back to others who have first given to us. That’s the way that the society best functions and allows people the freedom to give first with the knowledge that they’re not giving something away. – Robert Cialdini

Distinguishing Influence from Manipulation

Influence and manipulation are two different concepts.

Influence is about guiding others towards a decision using naturally occurring principles, while manipulation involves deceit or coercion.

It’s crucial to understand these principles not only for their application but also for defense against them.

Liking: The Key to Persuasion

People are more likely to agree to requests from those they like.

This liking can be influenced by two significant factors: similarity and compliments.

Highlighting genuine commonalities and giving sincere praise can build rapport and influence others.

Authority: A Principle of Influence

People are more likely to be influenced by those they perceive as authorities.

However, it’s important to differentiate between being an authority (having expertise or knowledge) and being in authority (having power or control).

The Power of Asking for Advice

Asking for advice rather than opinions can make people more favorable to your idea and provide more constructive input.

This is because they view themselves as partners in the initiative.

Defending Against Manipulative Reciprocation

To defend against the principle of reciprocation being used manipulatively, it’s important to reframe the gift or favor as a trick or device designed to gain compliance.

Recognize when someone uses a favor as a lever to get something much larger in return.

The Longevity of Reciprocation

The obligation to reciprocate can last for years if the initial favor was significant.

However, the effectiveness of the principle of reciprocation can fade over time, especially for smaller favors.

When you ask for an opinion, you get a critic. If instead of asking for someone’s opinion, where you want their buy-in with you on some idea or outline or blueprint you’ve got for a new initiative, if you ask for their advice on it, you get a partner. – Robert Cialdini

Similarity in Negotiations

In negotiations, sharing personal information and finding commonalities can prevent deadlocks.

The key is not the amount of information shared, but the number of commonalities found.

Social Proof: A Principle of Influence

Social proof is a principle that suggests people are more likely to perform an action if they see others doing it.

This principle is particularly effective in situations of uncertainty.

However, it’s crucial to be wary of fake reviews and to look for a range of ratings that are most likely to be genuine.
