How to have great conversations: Start with WHY

How to have great conversations: Start with WHY
How to have great conversations: Start with WHY

Starting with why gives context to all those things. So all the facts still prove, they serve as the tangible proof, but it’s a profoundly different feeling when somebody leaves with purpose. – Simon Sinek

This story provides a transformative approach to communicating effectively, whether in a personal or professional setting.

It emphasizes the importance of starting any conversation with ‘why’ rather than ‘what’, underlining the impact that it brings in how others perceive us.

Table of Contents

  1. The distinctive approach of great leaders
  2. Importance of WHY in dating and sales
  3. Mistakes in communication
  4. The power of purpose
  5. Impact of leading with belief

The distinctive approach of great leaders

Great leaders differentiate themselves through their thinking, acting, and communication style.

Rather than focusing on ‘what’ they do, they emphasize ‘why’ they do it, setting them apart from the rest.

Importance of WHY in dating and sales

In both dating and sales calls, starting the conversation with ‘why’ is crucial.

It forms the basis of standing out and being chosen over others.

This approach provides a context and purpose to the conversation, making it more meaningful and engaging.