How to improve your flexibility

How to improve your flexibility

Improving flexibility can have a range of physical benefits. Flexibility training can allow greater freedom of movement and improved posture, increase physical and mental relaxation, help release muscle tension, and reduce the risk of injury. All you need to get started is a yoga mat, an open mind, and realistic expectations.

Take up Pilates

Perform stretches before and after training

Child’s pose:

Pigeon pose:

Start foam rolling

You may associate foam rolling with a post-workout strength training session. But research shows that it can also be an effective tool in helping promote flexibility and therefore boost performance, as it helps to reduce muscle knots in the tissue.

Try yoga

Yoga relies on improving your strength, flexibility and breathing through a series of increasingly difficult stretches. A study revealed that participants who took up a 10-week long, bi-weekly yoga practice, saw a significant increase in their flexibility and balance, specifically in their shoulder flexibility and their sit reach.


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