How to Increase Productivity at Work

How to Increase Productivity at Work

Most of us aren’t as productive as we would like for two reasons: We have bad habits that interfere with workplace productivity and we’re reactive rather than proactive, putting out fires instead of making progress toward our goals. The solution is simple, though not always easy. We can replace our bad habits and reactive patterns with good habits that will make us proactive, and take charge of our own workdays.

Do Your Heavy Lifting When You’re at Your Best

Productivity expert Tony Wong advises to use your morning to focus on yourself

Eliminate Distractions

Feed the Eagles: There are only a few things that matter. Know what they are, and place your energy into them.

Break up Work Periods With Exercise

Studies have shown that physical activity enhances brain function

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation has negative effects on our performance

Cut Down Your To-Do List

Getting focused means narrowing your options.

One Last Tip

Take care of yourself: Eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, get rid of bad habits, and be nice to yourself

Delegate Properly

When you delegate properly, you have more time to spend on your own work.

Plan Phone Calls

Turn off your phone when you’re about to work on a project that needs your full attention

Stop multitasking

Research shows that productivity can be reduced by as much as 40% by the mental blocks created when people switch tasks

Prepare a To-Do List Each Night

To-do lists are invaluable productivity aids

Be Optimistic

Happy people are more productive


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