Introducing yourself to a new team is extremely important. Here are 10 tips to help you introduce yourself properly.First impressions are extremely important when introducing yourself to your new team. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 tips. Keep reading to learn the secrets of a winning introduction.

The importance of a first impression

Get things right the first time around to establish a good rapport with your new coworkers and coworkers will start forming opinions about you within the first minute of meeting you

  • These opinions will be hard to change once they’re formed
  • Use these tips to ensure you make the right first impression to set the tone and establish a solid relationship

Listen before you speak

Don’t just barge into your new office and start making changes, learn to listen first.

  • Ask questions and get your team’s opinions to feel valued and to learn more about your new place of work
  • An existing company process may seem ridiculous, but there’s a method behind the madness

Acknowledge the entire staff

Everyone in your new organization plays a role, from the highest level executive to the greenest intern.

Create relationship-building opportunities

Try to organize team lunch or after-work drinks at a local pub.

  • If you’re the leader, try to get a feel for what your new colleagues like before launching something like this unilaterally. Try using Toggl Track to time some of your tasks or breaks.

Look the part

Make sure you look the part when you arrive at the workplace.

  • Waltzing in with board shorts and flip flops isn’t a great first look. Wear what you feel comfortable in, and remember that the way you dress will impact the way others view you.

Embrace change

Things at your new workplace will be different from the last. Keep an open mind and your new colleagues will be much more likely to think favorably of you from the very beginning.

  • Change what you can when it makes sense, but realize that you’re starting a new chapter.

Read the room

Get the lay of the land first

  • Find out the skills and personalities of your team members
  • Anything and everything that will help you get a clear picture of what goes on at your new office will be helpful
  • You can always make changes later

Take initiative

Introduce yourself to your new office mates by sending an email or by sending out an email.

  • Name a hobby or an interest, and sign off with an indication that you’re willing to talk
  • This will make you seem more approachable and likable.


No matter what personality type you have, you can still make a first impression that endears you to your new colleagues.

Check your attitude

Put a smile on your face, show that you’re excited to be a part of the team, and exude enthusiasm.

  • People can read our attitude in our posture, facial expressions and voice-whether in person or through video call. A positive attitude will help endear your new staff to you and help with team development.

Get your hands on an org chart

This will help you recall company names, understand who does what inside the company, and who to contact for specific things

Follow up promptly

If you can’t do this for everyone, message the main people you’ll be interacting with on a regular basis.

  • Tell them you enjoyed meeting them, you appreciate their time, and that you look forward to working with them in the future.
  • Invite them to reach out if they ever need assistance.
