The best content idea is the one that connects a searchable keyword with the product(s) your brand offers. Not every “relevant” keyword is worth pursuing if there’s no way to tie it to your value proposition. Here are a few tips to help you find the right content ideas.

Build content in a problem-solution format

What questions are people asking when they search using a particular keyword? What problems are they experiencing? Your content should solve those problems and answer those questions.

  • Break your content into logical sections, answer all the questions relevant to the section, and link to the relevant sections.

Create videos

37% to 47% of buyers prefer to engage with and learn more about a brand through videos.

Build a content bridge to sales

From attracting links to driving brand awareness, content can be a useful tool for every step in the sales funnel.

Optimize for search intent

Create text to match and transform the intent of the searcher

  • Text Optimizer is a tool that can help you understand which concepts and subtopics are expected from content on a particular topic
  • Use intent optimization tools to ensure your content matches the expectations of the query and then create contextual CTAs to transform that expectation

Get creative with contextual CTAs

After creating content that delivers on the visitor’s intent, integrate calls to action that match the intent

  • List products from your site people can use to follow the steps
  • Include a discount or promotional offer
  • Ask users to sign up for a newsletter to get exclusive offers
  • Vcita lets you create customizable and contextual CTA widgets
