People often come to me with their problems. Yet, I rarely offer a solution, and almost always ask many difficult questions. So why me? What do I have to offer that even people who barely know me will open up and share their stories? I’m far from being a sage.

Stoic philosophy

Helps you think and approach reality in an effective way

  • Stoic teachers called themselves “physicians of the mind”
  • Epictetus, a Hellenistic Stoic thinker, wrote: “What upsets people is not things themselves but their judgments about things”

Mental Models

A mental model is a description of someone’s thought process about how things work in reality

  • Martin Seligman came up with the PERMA model which describes how we can achieve a life of fulfillment, happiness, and meaning
  • Positive emotion
  • Stay optimistic and look at situations constructively
  • Engagement
  • Full attention on a present activity that absorbs you, leading to a flow state
  • Relationships
  • Realize we are social animals and need other people to thrive
  • Meaning
  • Find your strengths and ways to contribute
  • Accomplishments
  • Find realistic goals that add value to your life


Look at reality through the lens of rationality and accept things as they are, without worrying about what could be

  • We all have flaws and act unconsciously time and time again
  • By accepting the way we are, conscious change becomes possible
  • Don’t worry excessively about things you cannot change, instead, look at the situation and see what’s in your power to change
