How to make time with family and loved ones count

How to make time with family and loved ones count
How to make time with family and loved ones count

Making time for social connections can reduce the chances of depression and anxiety caused by loneliness.

Eat together

  • Most families can manage it at least a few times a week
  • The goal is to get a sense of what’s going on in everyone’s lives and to get the gist of their emotional state
  • For example, if you notice your usually talkative daughter seems sullen, you have the opportunity to follow up later and ask her, “You didn’t seem like yourself at dinner.”

Wind down together

  • Using electronic devices in the hour before bed makes it harder to fall asleep, so use that time to connect with your spouse
  • Set your phone to “do not disturb” mode so you rest peacefully
  • This is a good time to pay attention to your spouse and stay emotionally attuned to how they are feeling

Live life together

  • The best opportunity for face-to-face, meaningful connection is to invite your family members into whatever you’re already doing
  • Invite your kids to help you cook
  • Ask your spouse to walk the dog with you
  • Make family time a priority in your family
