How to Master a Skill with Mini Habits

How to Master a Skill with Mini Habits

When we think about how to master a skill, change our habits, or learn new things, we often think big. So, why not think small instead? Mini habits are microscopic changes you can make in your routines and behavior. A daisy chain of these tiny tweaks spread across a span of time can (hopefully) turn into a new habit

Focus on one skill at a time

Doing too many things at once has a switching cost

The best habits won’t tax your brain

A mini habit will turn into an iron-clad habit when you will start doing it unconsciously without extrinsic motivation or thought of a reward.

Examples of learning with mini habits

Learning in little bytes with consistency is what matters most to form mini habits.

Set clear goals

Goals are like a beacon and a timeline is the milestones you can check off when you begin your learning journey.

Remove distractions

Set boundaries by removing mobile notifications, distractions, and other demands on your time.

What does a mini habit look like?

Stephen Guise popularized the word “mini habit” in his book Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results

Why use mini habits to master a skill?

Self-directed learning can easily be classified as a keystone habit

Start small

The essence of a mini-habit is to start small. Break down the learning goal into the tiniest step possible.

Take advantage of microlearning

Every minute of downtime can be turned into an upskilling opportunity

Give yourself rewards

Motivation can flag with self-directed learning. Tiny rewards at periodic junctures can help improve focus.

Use habit stacking

One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top of it

Find your ideal time

Establish a fixed time for learning

Revise regularly

You will forget an average of 90% of what you learn within the first month

How to Track Your Learning

Use a simple sheet of paper and add a cross mark against a day to visualize how those infinitesimal small minutes of learning have compounded into something big with time.

How to set up learning a new skill with a mini habit

Decide what you want to apply it to


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