Imagine a date where awkward silences are a thing of the past. A world where every conversation flows smoothly, and you're always ready with the perfect response. Let's explore the art of effortless communication and banish those uncomfortable pauses forever.

Fun and engaging get-to-know-you questions for conversation material that will make your next date smooth and flowing

According to one study, an awkward silence lasts approximately four seconds

  • After four seconds of awkward silence, an infinitesimal prick of anxiety sets in
  • If it happens regularly, enough awkward silences can utterly derail a date

Deep Questions

These topics deal with big ideas and immersive thoughts.

  • Examples: Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die, or unknown when you’re alive but famous after you die?
  • What are signs that someone is secretly unhappy, can art be objectively good or bad, and which is more important?

Party questions

Break the ice with class

  • Examples: travel for 5 years in an RV or travel for five years on a sailboat
  • When and where do you get your best ideas
  • Would you rather increase your reading or your exercise?
  • Are you more firm than gentle, or more gentle than firm?


Get the laughs rolling with light-hearted and imaginative situational questions

  • Examples: What’s the best type of cheese, what’s the most extreme item on your bucket list, and what is the key to making the perfect pizza
  • If you had a $10 million dollar prize, what would you buy?

Random – mix it up, get creative, and swipe through a smorgasbord of all the categories.

With the substantial number questions in Party Qs, you rarely see the same question twice (unless you favorite it with a ⭐️ ).

  • More categories coming soon including Celebrity Would Your Rather, Love Languages, Word of the Day, etc.

Date Night

Discover something new about your partner

  • What makes you feel most alive
  • Would you rather have free passes for life to all amusement parks or to all concerts? What always makes you laugh out loud?
  • Examples: What is something you learned from your dad, etc.
