Embarking on a journey to declutter and organize your workspace? Discover the transformative power of a well-organized workspace, its impact on productivity, and the secrets to achieving it. Let's dive into the art of creating a harmonious and efficient work environment.

Organize Your Workspace

There’s a broad gap between a back-of-the-mind comprehension and successfully implementing strategies for getting organized. This guide will teach you the skill of organizing both your time and your workspace, and hopefully, increase your personal productivity.

  • When you’re running around like a chicken sans head, it’s hard to put a tidy workspace high on your priority list. Even if you can afford a personal assistant, that won’t solve all of your organizing problems.

Filing Drawers

When you’re investing in filing drawers for your office make sure you get a model that extends fully. Otherwise prepare for frustration and unreachable documents.

Organize Your Workspace

Pash recommends the Brother P-touch labeler for setting up an organizing system and whipping your files into shape

  • Lifehacker.com offers daily productivity tips and tricks
  • The Unclutterer is a site that focuses on getting your space organized

Leist mentions results that demand far more attention

She claims she has taken clients from pulling in several hundred thousand dollars a year to bringing in several million just by helping them run a tighter ship

Organize Your Workspace: The Sources of Clutter

Just because your office looks like a hurricane hit it doesn’t necessarily mean you are disorganized.

  • Common sources of clutter for entrepreneurs include business cards, printouts from the Web, and literature from conferences and seminars
  • A good way to get rid of clutter is to turn each piece of paper that you’re keeping around into an action item in your planner
  • The value of a personal assistant
  • Assistants often excel at taking tasks such as writing your blog posts, handling scheduling, and reminding you about following up with clients but they sometimes fall down when it comes to your business’ big picture
  • Build in 15 minutes at the end of the day to put everything back where it belongs
  • Partitioning your work life from your home life is partly mental; it’s easier to enter and exit a state of productivity if it’s cordoned off in a separate space. But the separation can also have tangible benefits
