How to Quit a Job You Just Started

How to Quit a Job You Just Started
How to Quit a Job You Just Started

What can you do if you’ve just started a new job only to receive an offer from your dream job shortly thereafter? Or if you realize that your new office is toxic work environment and you want out immediately? It can be tricky figuring out how to quit a job you just started.

Make sure that you have a good reason for leaving

Be absolutely confident you are making the right decision

  • Consider the following before jumping ship: If you’ve received another offer, make sure it is in writing and with a confirmed salary and benefits package spelled out, and if the job requires a contract, sign it and give notice promptly
  • If there is no other offer, ask yourself what exactly has made you change your mind
  • Have a plan for what to do afterward

Give sufficient notice to your current employer

Give as much notice as possible, give your employer time to prepare, and be clear about why you are leaving.

  • Employers may learn from your sudden departure, and may be able to utilize second or third-choice candidates in the interim.

Stay professional to avoid burning bridges

If you’ve remained professional and open about your reasons for your resignation, they are more likely to be understanding and vouch for you later.

  • While it’s preferable to figure out if a job is going to be the right fit before accepting the offer, don’t be afraid to quit a job that you just started if you’ve considered all the options and are confident in your decision.
