How To Reach Flow State (Using 10 Flow State ‘Triggers’)

How To Reach Flow State (Using 10 Flow State ‘Triggers’)

Flow state is a very powerful state of mind where you are extremely productive and also feel great. It seems as if you are ‘flowing’ through your work. You don’t have to force yourself to work hard. Rather, it seems to go automatically. You need to know what triggers you to get there.

Flow State = Happy State

Most people assume that relaxation makes them happy. However, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s (author of the book ‘Flow State’) studies reveal that most people have this wrong.

Flow State Trigger 4: Listen To (The Right Kind Of) Music

Music can actually help you become highly focused and, therefore, highly productive.

Flow State Trigger 6: The Task Must Be Challenging Enough, But Not Too ChallengING

If you want to reach flow state, the task that you’re working on must be challenging enough for your brain to be fully engaged, but not too challenging.

Flow State Trigger 9: Stay Hydrated

Drink enough water

Flow State Trigger 2: Eliminate Internal Distractions

Journaling every morning and evening

Create a Mental Cue

Do something special each time before you sit down to go into flow state.

Flow State Trigger 3: Work At Your BPT (Biological Peak Time)

Tapping into your willpower and attention is energy draining, so you absolutely need to do it when your mind is sharp and energized.

Flow State Trigger 5: Work On One Very Specific Task

When it isn’t fully clear about what exactly you’re going to work on, it’ll be highly unlikely that you reach flow state.

Now Do It

Flow state is one of the most productive and happiest states that we can be in, I encourage you to seek it as often as you can.

Flow State Trigger 1: Eliminate All External Distractions

Only when you can focus with undivided attention for at least 10-15 minutes you can get into flow state.

Flow State Trigger 7: Have A Clear Outcome or Goal

Whenever you lack clarity about what you want to accomplish, your brain will struggle to get into optimum concentration

Flow State Trigger 8: Strategically Consume Caffeine

After consuming more than 200 milligrams of caffeine (about 2 cups of coffee), it has been proven that you can focus more intensely, work for longer without giving up, and have a better short-term memory.


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