There’s no denying that content creation is time-consuming. You have to think of what to post, create a graphic, write a caption, choose hashtags, post the content, and engage with your audience in the comments-and then do it all again, and again and again.

Multitasking- A Cautionary Tale

It has been estimated that only 2% of the population is actually proficient at multitasking

  • When you switch from task to task, it actually takes 50% longer
  • So what are the 98% of us that are not proficient multitaskers supposed to do?
  • Create a system and batch work

Plan a Month of Content

Map out the entire month on content

  • Each week you should follow the steps below to streamline the content creation piece of the puzzle.
  • Plan a roadmap for each of the following weeks to ensure maximum efficiency and maximum content creation time.

Write all captions

Include: Hook, Value, Call to Action

  • Batching captions and following a caption formula helps you quickly write captions that convert your audience
  • A good caption should include: Hook
  • Inspire your audience to click “read more”
  • Value
  • Deliver on your promise
  • Call to action
  • Tell your audience what you want them to do

Step 5: Add Hashtags

If you are posting to Instagram, you can add up to 30 hashtags to the first comment of your post.

Use a calendar

Plan in digital form on a Google calendar or in software like Asana

  • Content doesn’t have to be overly complicated
  • Share your knowledge, take your audience behind the scenes, introduce your team, share customer testimonials or reviews, answer frequently asked questions

Enjoy The Benefits of Planning & Scheduling Your Content in Advance

Not only will your content strategy benefit you, but you will also save yourself time and reduce stress around social media content.

  • Adopt a content batching routine that allows you to create high-quality content when you are in your “content zone” and schedule it according to your social media strategy
  • When you plan content in advance, your content can better support your overall business goals.

What Is Batch Working?

Batch working is a highly focused, topic-specific form of working.

  • The idea is that by focusing on one task at a time, you can get into a flow state which is when your productivity and creativity truly flourish. The end result is better quality content in less time

Create All Visual Content

Create a list of everything you need from stock photos, custom graphics, videos, Reels, cover images, etc.

Content Planning Process

Each month, set aside time to map out your social media content for the following month

  • Outline your number of posts, goals, and any important dates
  • Include any social media holidays you want to celebrate
  • With this, you can go into the month knowing what content needs to be created

What Types of Social Media Content Should You Create?

When creating content for social media, it is important to share a variety of types of content

  • Your content should educate, entertain, or sell
  • Bulletproof
  • Shopify
  • Flodesk
  • You can better distribute and plan the content you will be sharing
  • Planning in advance allows you to be more intentional and strategic with what you post

Schedule Posts

Set your posting schedule using Buffer’s Publishing tool
