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Amiable personality traitsAmiables are

Amiable personality traits

Amiables are great listeners and might ask more personal questions in an attempt to get to know you outside of your professional role. They will be friendly, calm, and patient during meetings. Conversations with Amiables are generally laid-back and informal.

AssertiveAssertive personality types are


Assertive personality types are goal-oriented, decisive, and competitive. They care more about results than personal relationships. 

People with assertive personality types are also relatively impatient and controlling. They want information — fast — so they can make a decision and move on.

Keep in mind that

Keep in mind that most prospects will be a mix of these personality types and won’t fit neatly into one of the four categories above. 

However, once you’re familiar with these core personalities, you should be able to tailor your selling strategy to fit any situation you come across.

How to sell to

How to sell to them:

Pitch a vision.

Take time to build rapport.

  • Bring up examples of similar clients who have successfully used your product.
  • Take the role of an expert and walk them through the decision making process.
  • Give them personal guarantees. 

Expressive personality traits:Expressives tend

Expressive personality traits:

Expressives tend to be very enthusiastic and colorful. 

Like Amiables, they’ll want to bond with you and feel connected on a personal level, but like Assertives, Expressives are sure of their beliefs and speak more in statements rather than questions.

If you want to

If you want to consistently win deals, you can’t sell how you’d like to be sold to. You have to adapt your strategy to the buyer’s personality type. 

Here are the four main types of personalities and what you need to know about each.

Assertive personality traitsAssertives usually

Assertive personality traits

Assertives usually speak in declarative sentences and ask few questions, so if you notice your prospect says things like, “I’m looking for a new sedan,” rather than, “Can you show me your sedans?”, you’re probably dealing with an Assertive personality type.

Their volume is also a little louder than average, and they use animated, confident body language.

AmiablePeople with amiable personality


People with amiable personality types value personal relationships and want to trust their business partners. They like the excitement of new challenges. 

Amiables will enthusiastically dive into finding creative or unexpected solutions — but on the flip side, they won’t do research before meeting with you. That means you can guide them through the purchasing process.

Amiables don’t make decisions quickly. They want to establish rapport with the people they do business with and will likely seek out the help or approval of multiple team members. Expect a longer sales process than usual.

How to sell to

How to sell to them:

  • Present case studies.
  • Emphasize an ongoing relationship.
  • Don’t focus too much on facts and figures.
  • Summarize along the way. 

AnalyticThose with an analytical


Those with an analytical personality type love data, facts, and figures. 

Analytics stick to their deadlines, but they do not make decisions quickly. They care about thoroughly vetting and understanding the options available to them, and won’t jump the gun on a decision. 

They are more logical and cautious than any other personality type — but once they make a decision, they won’t reverse it.

ExpressiveExpressives are also sometimes


Expressives are also sometimes called “humanists” for a good reason — like Amiables, personal relationships are very important to this personality type.

Expressives tend to make decisions factoring in their emotions, and are often concerned with others’ well-being. They tend to be people-pleasers, but often have powerful personalities and use them to convince others of their strongly held convictions.

They are creative, outgoing, spontaneous, and rely on their intuition. They value mutual respect, loyalty, and friendship. Don’t make offhand commitments as reneging on an offer could spell the end of your relationship.

Analytic personality traits:Analytics are

Analytic personality traits:

Analytics are less expressive than other personality types. 

They are concerned with facts rather than emotion, and likely won’t spend time getting to know you on a personal level. 

In conversation, Analytics are serious, direct, and formal. They might not use expressive gesturing in meetings, but you can be sure they are listening intently.

How to sell to

How to sell to them:

  • Never rush an Analytic. Be prepared for a longer selling process.
  • Assume they are prepared and have done their research.
  • Avoid making high-level claims. Always provide data when you make an assertion, or risk losing credibility.
  • Provide as much detailed information as possible.
  • Don’t try to force a relationship that’s not there.

How to sell to

How to sell to them:

  • Professionalism is very important. Always make sure you’re prepared for a meeting. Assertives appreciate efficiency. Don’t waste their time repeating facts or building up to your point.
  • Emphasize how your product will solve their business’ problems.
  • Take advantage of their competitive streak and show them how your product will help.
  • Steer clear of personal opinions and testimonials.
  • Keep your statements short and to the point.
