How To Set Deadlines That Feel Real

How To Set Deadlines That Feel Real
How To Set Deadlines That Feel Real

Mastering the art of setting realistic deadlines is a skill that can transform your productivity. Discover the secrets to creating timelines that feel achievable, fostering a sense of urgency without the stress of impossible expectations.

It’s actually pretty simple

Your time outside of your day job is your own.

  • You have the time to learn how to bake bread, learn to cook, or just do whatever you want, and there is no excuse for not being productive
  • During the quarantine, I learned the expansive and mind-blowing extent of my ability to procrastinate.

Why has there not been a flood of new Great American Novels clogging Amazon’s self-published section?

Why have most of the new podcasts and TikTok accounts popping up in March of 2020, when people were at their most bored-why has most of them gone silent?

Your boss is only hard on you because they think it’s important to be

They know the core of our issue with self-imposed deadlines

  • Set a deadline for tomorrow, or sometime this week, at 9am
  • You can’t change the deadline once you set it
  • If you’ve set your output at something you know is manageable, it shouldn’t be a problem
  • Don’t disappoint yourself

Working diligently and consistently towards our dreams, especially if they’re relative longshots, is one of the hardest things we’ll ever do-if we do it at all.

The self-confidence needed to believe in ourselves enough to try, and the dedication needed to maintain the discipline to keep doing it over and over again, even when it’s hard

  • Without the structure of the workplace and other people relying on you, there is no necessary timeline for any project. No sprints to the finish line, no target projections to hit.

Being pro is about taking something abstract (dream) & turning it into something more concrete (action)

We all should take our dreams seriously – we all have the capacity to be professional, and bring that kind of focus and energy to our passion work.

  • Thank you, Robin, for sharing your experience.

The fear of disappointing someone you respect

You are your own boss.

  • The person who hired you for this job liked you then and trusts you now
  • They saw something in you that not everyone else sees
  • Thanks to the charity of this person-this person being you-you got your dream job

Your boss is laidback and supportive

They don’t expect you to push yourself to the max every day, but they want to see you improve consistently

  • Your boss has the unique ability to know when you’re not pulling your weight, and they’re not afraid to call you out on it
