How to Set Realistic Fitness Goals You’ll Actually Achieve, According to Top Trainers

How to Set Realistic Fitness Goals You’ll Actually Achieve, According to Top Trainers

Fitness goals are important on several counts. They hold us accountable, expand our definition of possible, and encourage us to push through temporary discomfort for longer-lasting change. But figuring out how to set fitness goals you’ll actually want to attain can be part art, part science.

Focus on one goal at a time

Don’t try to do too much at once

Understand what’s driving your goal

Sometimes fitness goals are driven by underlying fears, insecurities, or body image issues

Develop micro goals on the way to your big goal

Set small, confidence-building goals that are achievable in a shorter time period.

Be honest about your prior and current habits

Ask yourself the tough questions to help you honestly evaluate what’s most appropriate for you

Set the bar low-at least, at first

attainable goals help ensure that you start out with some all-important wins.

Plan for a support system

Think about who in your life could encourage, motivate, and hold you accountable to your goal.

Play the long game

Pick a goal that can be achieved over the course of several months or even a year.

Flexible in your definition of success

Set goals you think you can achieve and then modify them as you understand more what you are capable of.

Make it your own

Your goal should be something that you personally are excited about and realistically able to achieve.

The SMART method helps you make sure your goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely

It helps you focus your efforts, develop a more structured plan for actually achieving the goal, and create a sense of urgency that can be motivating

Consider a professional’s input

A professional can help give you guidance on how realistic your goal is


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