How to successfully share personal details at work

How to successfully share personal details at work

Taking your whole self to work is a well-known criterion for a great work experience, but it’s worth thinking about what this really means. Should you share every personal detail? How much is enough? Research has found that workers are happier and satisfied with their work when they feel they can be themselves.

Allow the relationship to unfold

Relationships and trust are built over time, and in general, you can’t fast track trust

Consider the status of your career

Everything you say will leave an impression, and people will remember even throw-away statements that you wouldn’t consider memorable in the moment.

Think about what is “off limits”

In order to build healthy relationships at work within a strong culture, look for organizations where there is an overall foundation of respect and trust among colleagues

Consider the relationship type

Start with the nature of the relationship, and think in concentric circles

Think about the task at-hand

At work, you may not feel comfortable making intimate friendships, and it’s legitimate to have solid relationships at work with people who aren’t your besties.


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