How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day by Michael J. Gelb is a transformative guide that encourages readers to unlock their potential by adopting the thought processes and principles of Leonardo da Vinci. It offers a structured approach to harnessing creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking.

Curiosity and Continuous Learning

Leonardo da Vinci’s insatiable curiosity fueled his continuous learning.

Emulating this, individuals should foster an unending curiosity and strive to learn something new every day.

Value of Experience

For da Vinci, experience was the ultimate teacher.

Valuing experience can lead to practical wisdom and enhance decision-making skills.

Patience and Persistence

Da Vinci demonstrated great patience and persistence.

Cultivating these traits can lead to significant achievements over time.

Growth Mindset

Da Vinci exemplified a growth mindset.

Adopting this mindset can foster resilience, encourage risk-taking, and facilitate continuous learning.