You know, the treatments are there. And they work, and people can recover. But you can’t just treat people when they have a break, and you give them a couple of meds. You’ve got to be in it for the long haul. – Glenn Close

Legendary actor Glenn Close shares her personal journey of mental health advocacy.

This is triggered by her family’s struggles with mental illness and the stigma surrounding it.

She emphasizes the transformative power of community and the critical need for comprehensive mental health care.

Table of Contents

  1. Breaking the Silence
  2. Fighting Stigma through Advocacy
  3. Advocacy Leading to Governmental Action
  4. Educating Others About Mental Health
  5. Personal Insights into Living with Mental Illness
  6. Long-Term Care and Support

Breaking the Silence

Breaking societal norms, Glenn Close and her family decided to openly discuss their personal experiences with mental illness.

They believed that the stigma surrounding their conditions was often more detrimental than the illnesses themselves.

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Fighting Stigma through Advocacy

To fight this stigma and provide support, Close founded Bring Change to Mind.

Initially intended for public service announcements, it has since evolved into a significant organization providing peer-to-peer experiences especially among teenagers.