Every business exists to address specific problems that persist among the public. Those problems are a source of discomfort and pain for individuals experiencing them. Your company provides relief. By addressing pain points, a company can achieve more success, higher profits, and better customer relationships. Knowing how to navigate customer pain points can positively impact your sales and business practices.

Gather customer support and sales feedback

Outward-facing employees are a valuable source in identifying customer pain points

  • Sales agents use creative ways to encourage prospects to make purchases
  • Customer support agents spend days addressing customer problems
  • By having briefings and review sessions, sales and customer support agents can put forward pain points customers face

Why do customer pain points matter?

Customer pain points lower the performance of products and services in the market

  • These pain points have an impact on the traits customers perceive about your business
  • By correctly fixing pain points, your business can improve sales practices and build stronger customer relationships

Final Words

Every company should know extensive information about their customers. With that information, it is easier to improve sales and business practices.

  • A company can portray itself as a solution to the problems faced by customers. Use pain points to improve your company, and you will see an increase in business performance.

Research the competition

Find ways a competitor addresses customer pain points

  • Learn lessons from successful businesses
  • Different companies offer varying solutions to problems
  • Broaden your perspective
  • Use Amazon to understand ecommerce 101
  • Compare aspects of your company with other companies on the market

How you can use customer pain points to improve sales and business practices

By fixing customer problems, a company shows that it values them

What are customer pain points?

Customer pain points are problems that a customer or prospective customer faces when preparing to buy a product.

  • Typical customer pain point categories are Financial Support, Productivity Process, Process, and Financial Help
  • Financial Support
  • Support pain points refer to the level of support a customer needs to complete their interaction with your business. The customer may need help on their way to purchasing a product but is lacking critical information, or they may want to buy your product but are lacking some critical information
  • Productivity pain points relate to challenges a customer faces in terms of their efficiency. In a B2B setting, clients might want to improve their internal processes and use your solutions. In B2C, customers do not always have the patience to jump through hoops.

How to discover customer pain points

Improve a company’s performance by addressing areas that are not quite right

Gather customer feedback

Talk with and listen to your customers

  • Use short questionnaires and surveys to ask questions that will offer the most precise answers
  • Reviews give extensive insights into a customer’s experience
  • Customers can post reviews on sites like Trustpilot to provide context

Financial pain points

Customers need to feel secure, knowing that they are getting value for money with every purchase

  • Conduct extensive market research to position products suitably in the market
  • Products should be of good quality and justify their prices
  • Be transparent about the price
  • Avoid adding fees at checkout or making drastic price jumps

Support pain points

Use the best digital customer service solutions which utilize RPA technology to improve response times and streamline customer problems to the relevant agents

  • Add chatbots to the company website that recognize user intent and engage with customers
  • When they are unable to move forward, they connect the customer to an agent

Online resources

Learn about your target audience through blogs, FAQs, case studies, and online forums to understand what they are searching for

  • Utilize online resources to quickly discover trends and adjust practices to match customer expectations
  • Analytics and marketing tools can help you find topics that your customers are researching or searching for

Productivity pain points

Customers lose interest when their buying process faces roadblocks

  • Make use of hybrid working to make the buying process as effortless as possible
  • Use scheduling software to ensure there is always an agent available when a customer could need one
  • Lower the number of steps it takes to checkout

Process pain points

In these instances, a company may directly hinder its sales due to inefficient business practices

  • A sub-optimal website can confuse customers and make them bounce
  • Use an omnichannel model to interact with customers on any platform, at any time
  • Ensure that each platform delivers a consistently positive experience and customers will appreciate it

Conduct market research and gather data

Market research provides critical information about your market and your business landscape

  • Uncover challenges customers face when interacting with you or other brands and products
  • Cross-team collaboration is key, so get support and product involved to get a holistic view of your data
