How to write a bio that gets results

How to write a bio that gets results
How to write a bio that gets results

Author bios are one of the most overlooked tools in marketing: they can add credibility, make the rest of your content more effective, and even get you conversions. Your bio can work wonders for you and your business-here’s how to write one, including a template to start with.

The essentials for an author bio that works

A good bio is a short bio

  • Use your real name first and last
  • Include a friendly and professional headshot
  • Authentic, authoritative, and approachable
  • For the content of the bio itself, you’ll want to use the three A’s

Approachable: Let us see who you really are

String together various hobbies in the final sentence

  • Go all-in on an unexpected skill or interest outside your work
  • Share how you use your work expertise in your personal life
  • Showing your personal interest also helps the reader see similarities between you and them

Basic bio templates


Authentic: Show why you care

Start with a compelling first sentence that grabs the attention of your ideal reader

  • Authentic authors care about the topic, know about the audience, and have the courage to put their names underneath what they write
  • An authentic bio also shows ownership
  • Include details that prove you’re invested enough in the topic to write about it

Final strategy to make your bio stand out

Test it by colleagues or potential clients.

  • Run different versions on different articles, and track what generates the best results for you.
  • Put yourself in your reader’s mindset and ask what would catch your eye in the comments section of your bio.

Authoritative: Show why you’re an expert

Focus on achievements, not titles, degrees, or years of experience

  • Use concrete facts
  • Show the results you’ve gotten for customers, putting the spotlight on them, while subtly pointing out your expertise
  • Focusing on subject matter expertise rather than writing a book
