How to write a killer startup press release

How to write a killer startup press release
How to write a killer startup press release

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One of the best

One of the best ways to generate press attention is by using a press release, which informs journalists and editors of the announcement your company is making.

Here is how to craft a killer press release that won’t get ignored.

What is your story?No

What is your story?

No self-respecting media outlet is going to touch your story, unless you can offer them something new.

To make sure your news is newsworthy, work out to make your announcement eye-catching, in addition to take-overs and funding news

ExclusivesTo a reporter, the


To a reporter, the word ‘exclusive’ is music to their ears. There are several advantages to offering your release as an exclusive:

  • Larger publications, like TechCrunch and VentureBeat are more likely to take you seriously if you offer it as an exclusive.
  • Journalists take stories from each other, so an exclusive won’t stop other publications picking the story up.
  • Coverage on a bigger niche publication opens doors to newspapers and mainstream media coverage. 

Good releases should follow

Good releases should follow a proper format

Title: “Something/someone/announces something new”.


1st: Discuss the larger mission of the new announcement.

2nd:Specifics of your product / announcement.

3rd: Quote from your CEO or a business co-founder

4th: Trends to explain why this announcement is relevant.

5th: Final quote from your CEO or founder.

6th: Sum up the history of your company and the background of its leader(s). 

Amplify that coverageOnce the

Amplify that coverage

Once the article comes online, share the piece on social media.

Send the story to investors, customers, your employees and even your parents, asking them to share it on their social media accounts.

Email other publications with the press release and a link to the story.

Pitch it wellPitching the

Pitch it well

Pitching the press release will happen by email. To increase chances of having your story published, make your email a bit more personal.

Research the journalist and remember, you only have one shot at a first impression.

Define your “coverage strategy”Before

Define your “coverage strategy”

Before sending your press release out into the world, decide whether or not you want blanket coverage.

If you opt for blanket coverage, the publication will agree not to publish a story about your announcement before a set time or date.

Depending on where you’re pitching, this can be tricky. If in doubt, ask the journalist to agree to an embargo first.
