Mastering the art of writing impactful online reviews is no small feat. It requires a balance of honesty, insight, and tact. Let's delve into the nuances of crafting reviews that not only express your experiences but also serve as a valuable resource for others.

The power of positive reviews

Even the most scathing reviews can have a useful message underneath their hate

  • It’s important to contribute to the overall betterment of the internet
  • Here’s how you can write those kinds of reviews.
  • Before the internet, we had limited options for reading reviews of a restaurant, product, or business
  • Now, with a few clicks or taps on our phone, we can know what thousands of people think about that new bagel shop
  • Some reviews are useless and angry, and others are so glowing that they can’t be real
  • The best ones walk between
  • Regardless of the experience the reviewer had, they offer up information that’s invaluable when making a decision

A template review you can use anywhere

Fill in the blanks with information relevant to your experience

  • Cover the basics
  • Name of the service/restaurant/store
  • Time, date, etc.
  • Information specific to your situation
  • Tell the whole story, regardless of what the outcome was

Include relevant details and omit extraneous ones

Include things like the date you went to the restaurant or shop, when you ordered the product, who you ordered through, and relevant information to your complaint or compliment

  • Trim out extraneous details like the time and location unless it’s important

Remember and note that your review is just your experience

Make it clear that this is what happened to you, and that other people’s experiences may vary, even if yours was particularly positive.

  • Point out why you think you may have had your specific experience-perhaps your meal was late because of what you ordered?

Leave out the proper names

Too many online reviews are vindictive and targeted at specific individuals instead of addressing an actual complaint or issue.

  • Discuss the experience you had and omit the names of the individuals who gave the services/services/services you had/will provide positive feedback.

Address the other side of the story

Negative reviews draw the most attention

  • Even negative reviews can be useful if you address why you think your experience unfolded the way it did
  • Sometimes there’s no excuse for poor treatment, bad service or a horrific experience, but if you can show a little understanding, it goes a long way towards validating your review as an honest one

“Good” is not always positive

A “good” review is the type of review that’s useful to the people who come along behind you

  • Check your spelling and grammar, use complete sentences, lay off the exclamation points, and think about how you’re making your case

Offer yourself up for validation

Use your real name, or invite readers to message you if they have additional questions about your experience.

  • If you want a response from the business or the manager, leave some contact information, even if it’s an email address you opened specifically for the task.
