Business process automation (BPA) approach seems to be applied in every company eager to streamline its day-to-day operations and stay ahead of the curve. The main issue is how it impacts employees. Do automation solutions replace humans and leave no chances for them to keep working? Actually, successful companies find a balance between employees and technology.

Take the right direction

AI and ML deployment might simplify processes and improve results, but there is no substitute for a human being in a business process.

  • Try to automate a single business process first as a pilot project, and after adjusting and making sure it functions perfectly, proceed to another one.

Prepare a backup plan

Any system has the risk of going down, so your company still needs to be prepared for it

Continuous process improvements

The automation in place is only half the battle-the rest depends on the overall approach to business process management.

  • Without continuous process improvements, you are likely to give your competitors a leg up
  • Monitor automation performance in the early stages of implementation so that malfunctions can be eliminated in time without disrupting the workflow

Don’t ignore a proof of concept

Proof of concept strategy is the right way to follow when looking for an innovative solution to improve company performance.

  • A demonstration of the practical feasibility of a solution or technology is a good sign of the technology’s success or failure.


Only ongoing evaluation, planning, monitoring, and system enhancements can ensure a long-term automation success

  • Andrey Koptelov is an Innovation Analyst at Itransition
  • He writes about new disruptive technologies and innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • What suits one organization can only worsen the productivity of another one

Get your staff involved

Get them up to speed as soon as possible

  • Guide them through an entire automation cycle
  • Provide necessary information about the benefits of the new solution
  • Involve them in every stage of the automation procedure
  • Establish roles, and ensure team cohesion
