Unlock the power of informational interviews with questions that leave a lasting impression. Dive into the art of inquiry, where the right question can open doors, spark insightful conversations, and set you apart from the crowd.

How to conduct excellent info interviews

Find someone doing the job you’re interested in

  • Invite them out to coffee or ask them to chat over the phone
  • Ask key questions about the job and gather insider information
  • Use what you learned to make an informed decision about your career

Build Confidence

It’s tough to be confident when you’re meeting someone you don’t know, especially a VIP who knows much more about a subject than you.

  • A simple technique to help you build unshakable confidence in yourself will help you walk into any meeting or interview confident that everything will go exactly as planned.

How to set up and virtually guarantee an interview’s success

During the interview, ask insightful questions

  • Spend 90% of the interview listening – the other 10% you should spend telling them what you’re working on and asking for specific advice
  • Once you’ve done your research, you’re almost there – don’t blow the whole thing

Avoid these four interview mistakes

Asking questions that don’t matter

  • Ask questions that are open-ended and get the person talking
  • The point of the interview isn’t to prove your brilliance; it’s to learn from them
  • Keep things short and to the point
  • Don’t let your ego get in the way
  • Send a thank you note and follow up with them
