Inside a Sleep Researcher’s Bedroom: How I Sleep and Why

Inside a Sleep Researcher’s Bedroom: How I Sleep and Why
Inside a Sleep Researcher’s Bedroom: How I Sleep and Why

Sleep experts agree that the sleep space should be like a cave: cool, dark, and quiet. Each component of this setup is important and can be easily achieved using several different methods. With a little creativity, you can transform your sleeping environment into your ideal sleep space. Here are simple and creative ways that may help improve your sleep environment.

Is your bedroom a comfortable temperature?

The recommended ambient temperature during sleep is between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit (15.6 to 19.4 degrees Celsius).

  • Turning down the air condition is one way to create a cool environment.
  • There are several cheaper alternatives to air condition such as placing a box fan near the bed

A caveat about using white noise

There is a possibility of becoming dependent upon the white noise as you may find it more difficult to sleep without it.

Limitations of the External Environment

There may still be times when we can’t sleep well, normally because of some internal disturbance that induces pre-sleep arousal (e.g., stress, worry).

  • In this case, we must first deal with the internal issue instead of solely relying on the external.

Is there any light in the bedroom?

Light exposure during the day hours promotes better sleep quality at night, especially during the morning hours

  • Evening light exposure may delay sleep initiation, however, it may take longer to fall asleep in a well-lit bedroom or after viewing a backlit device (e.g., mobile phone, laptop, tablet) as compared to a dark bedroom

Bottom line

We all need a comfortable space to sleep

Are there startling noises when you sleep?

White noise is a type of steady, constant sound that can help to mask unpredictable, startling noise.

  • There are several methods of producing white noise
  • The most simple method is the box fan
  • Some specific white noise machines that produce various types of white noise.
