As the world grapples with unprecedented changes, the concept of a 'new normal' in the workplace has become a hot topic. But is it truly achievable? Let's delve into the complexities and possibilities of this intriguing question.

Experts predict what we may be up against in 2022

Pre-pandemic work structures are likely to become a relic

  • Shorter workweeks and condensed hours may mean better mental health and work-life balance for some workers
  • Measures like the four-day workweek are not a silver bullet

Keep expectations low

While some strides appear to be moving us back to some type of pre-pandemic normal – such as vaccines, new Covid-19-fighting medications and shorter mandatory isolation times returning employees to work faster – we all know better than to assume the shape of the future.

  • What we do know, however, is that public health interests will continue to dominate agendas in 2022.

Bespoke perks

Flexibility and accommodation is becoming a perk workers expect from their employers

  • Job personalization could be the key to worker satisfaction and retention
  • Employers will cater to employees’ needs and desires to engage current workers and attract top performers from other firms
  • Companies will invest time and resources into co-crafting bespoke career paths with individual workers

In 2022, workers will still push for flexible schedules and work-from-home options

One thing that may not change as anticipated is the actual size of offices.

  • Although many predicted earlier in the pandemic that offices would purge their expensive downtown real estate, Bloom says “office space is not shrinking, [but] it is changing”.
  • Even as rent stays sky-high in practically deserted city centres, companies still want workers utilising those buildings, especially as hybrid work will likely dominate 2022.
