Is it right or productive to watch workers?

Is it right or productive to watch workers?

Exploring the ethical and productivity implications of monitoring employees, we delve into the debate surrounding workplace surveillance. Weighing privacy rights against business interests, we question if watching workers truly enhances performance or merely fosters a culture of mistrust.

Surveillance Software

There is value in measuring what your employees are doing and how productive they are

Privacy matters

The recent rise in employee surveillance accelerated during the pandemic, largely because it had to, but the bottom line is that we are now more than ever accustomed to being watched.

Positive reinforcement?

Studies demonstrate that being watched reinforces positive socially normative behaviors and inhibits negative behaviors

More PwC insights

Even in the 1980s, with minimal electronic surveillance available, employees whose performance was monitored perceived their working conditions as more stressful and reported higher levels of job boredom, fatigue, anger, anxiety, and even depression and other health complaints.


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