Every great idea deserves an equally compelling pitch. But how can you ensure your pitch does justice to your idea? Let's delve into the art of persuasion, the power of storytelling, and the science of effective communication.

Even the most innovative ideas are interpreted as boring if they are presented in obvious ways

To get your audience to buy into your idea, there are a few hacks

  • It’s not enough to share your idea in clear and understandable terms. Your pitch needs to be as clever as the concept you are presenting if you want people to believe in it.


If you want your idea to feel as real to your audience as it does to you, you’ll need to prepare a presentation that brings every type of learner into the fold

  • The easiest way to do this is to give people several entry points into the concept you are pitching
  • You might incorporate a brainstorming session for the active learners, a visual demonstration for those who need to “see to believe,” and include data points for the analytical crowd


Your words and actions will not only signal how you feel but also how you want others to behave during your time together.

  • To get your audience to buy into your idea, there are a few hacks you can try to shift the odds in your favor
  • Start with the setup of the room you are presenting in.


Combat the urge to lean on expertise and kill your ideas before they take shape

  • One of the fastest ways to prevent a colleague from shutting you down is to use a tool from improv called “Yes, and…”
  • Tell your meeting attendees that they can only respond to ideas with “yes, and.”
