It’s Not Your Fault: We’ve Been Taught to Be Expert Procrastinators

It’s Not Your Fault: We’ve Been Taught to Be Expert Procrastinators
It’s Not Your Fault: We’ve Been Taught to Be Expert Procrastinators

Unravel the mystery behind our inherent tendency to procrastinate. Discover how societal norms and educational systems may have inadvertently conditioned us to delay tasks, and explore strategies to overcome this deeply ingrained habit.

It’s not your fault

We’ve been taught to be expert procrastinators, and it’s finally catching up with us

  • As adults, we’re taking procrastination into our businesses and our relationships, and rather than spending time completing the tasks that actually matter, we are pushing everything off
  • “It can wait” mindset has made people think that everything can wait, when in reality, some things can’t

Just because the sky won’t fall doesn’t mean you should wait to complete the tasks that are important to you today

Creating a list of three key things to complete each day is the number one tip I can give you to produce long-term, sustainable growth within both yourself and your business.

  • If you can’t trust yourself to complete tasks set before you, then who can?

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