In ‘It’s OK That You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand’, Megan Devine offers a compassionate guide to dealing with loss and grief. She challenges societal norms around grief, providing practical tools and honest advice to help navigate through the pain and find a path to living alongside it.

Redefining Grief

Grief is not a problem to be solved or a disease to be cured.

It is a natural response to loss, a testament to the depth of our love and connection.

It needs to be acknowledged and respected, not suppressed or denied.

The Power of Storytelling

Sharing our story can be a powerful tool for healing.

It allows us to make sense of our experience, express our feelings, and connect with others.

The Limitations of Positivity

Forcing positivity or ‘looking on the bright side’ can invalidate our pain and hinder healing.

It’s okay to not be okay.

Our feelings are valid and deserve to be acknowledged.

The Role of Creativity

Creative outlets, like writing, painting, or music, can help us express our grief in ways that words can’t.

They can be therapeutic and help us process our feelings.