Jordan Peterson: Life, Death, Power, Fame, and Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast

Jordan Peterson: Life, Death, Power, Fame, and Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast

A discussion between Jordan Peterson and Lex Fridman about life, death, power, fame, and meaning.

The role of faith and the transcendent

Faith is crucial for moving forward into the unknown future, encompassing beliefs in the transcendent guiding individuals forward.

The role of contradictions and entropy in life

Peterson argues that this entropy signal can be channeled into beauty and love, which involve a balance between order and chaos, structure and transformation.

Elon Musk’s achievements and ideas

Peterson admires Musk for pushing the boundaries of human innovation and believes his ideas about making humanity a multi-planetary species could be crucial for our survival.

Scientists believe in the transcendent more than anything else

Scientists constantly seek to challenge and improve their theories through contact with the ontological transcendent.

Balancing growth and death is essential in life

Both contribute to productivity and culling of the unnecessary.

The concept of beauty and its connection to the divine

Beauty, along with truth, love, justice, and the classical virtues, transcends mere aesthetics and serves as a fundamental axiom that can guide individuals towards a higher purpose.

The power of art and symbolism

Art, particularly in religious and profound imagery, has the ability to reach into the depths of the mind and evoke awe and contemplation.

The enduring significance of art in human civilization

Artistic images have survived for thousands of years and have been continuously unpacked and contemplated.

They may remain as a testament to our civilization in the distant future.

“You cannot move forward into the unforeseen horizon of the future except on faith. And you might say, ‘Well, I have no faith.’ Well, then you’re nihilistic and hopeless and anxiety-ridden.” – Jordan Peterson

Fame can be corrupting

It is important for influential individuals to have critics around them to ensure proper self-reflection and growth.

Robotics and artificial intelligence should be taken seriously

They have the potential to become powerful and non-controllable forces.

Facing the worst possible tragedy leads to redemption

A voluntary journey into hell is necessary to find meaning and purpose in life.

Fear of death and making mistakes

Both Peterson and Fridman express a certain indifference towards death but highlight their concerns about making mistakes in life.

“Beauty is daunting. It scares people. They’re terrified of buying art, for example, because their taste is on display. And they should be terrified because generally, people have terrible taste.” – Jordan Peterson


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