Morgan Housel shares insights on the process of writing, the importance of consistent effort, and the concept of a ‘freakishly small base’ in his career.

Embrace the Unstructured

Formalizing or structuring art can hinder its quality. Letting the mind run free and embracing the unstructured approach leads to better writing.

One Sentence at a Time

All writing is done one sentence at a time. Housel writes in short bursts, taking breaks between sentences, and believes in the importance of consistent effort.

The more you try to formalize and put a structure behind art, the worse it’s going to get and the more you just kind of let your mind run free and go wherever it wants to go, the better it’s going to get. – Morgan Housel

Reflect and Refine

Housel’s writing process includes thinking about the topic, writing it in one day, and revisiting it for another day before publishing. Reflection and refinement are crucial in creating quality work.

I feel like there’s never been a major breakthrough in my career… it’s always been a pretty slow progression. – Morgan Housel

Consistent Effort and Incremental Progress

Housel’s success in writing comes from consistent effort and incremental progress rather than sudden breakthroughs. Slow progression and steady improvement are key.

The ‘Freakishly Small Base’

Starting from a small foundation and building upon it over time leads to success. Housel attributes his career growth to the ‘freakishly small base’ and slow but consistent growth.
