Know Thy Time: Peter Drucker’s Strategy to Become More Effective

Know Thy Time: Peter Drucker’s Strategy to Become More Effective
Know Thy Time: Peter Drucker’s Strategy to Become More Effective

Productivity doesn’t necessarily mean that you get the right things done. It just means you get a lot of stuff done. And if you want to do your job well, earn money, live a meaningful life, learn skills, etc., you HAVE to get shit done.

Results matter the most

You might work for 50 hours a week, but if you don’t experience any growth personally, emotionally, financially, you’re not effective

  • To be effective, every knowledge worker, and especially every executive, needs to be able to dispose of time in fairly large chunks
  • A simple exercise from The Effective Executive that you can apply to become more effective

Step 3: Eliminate the time-wasters

Identify the critical tasks from the trivial tasks in your life.

  • Do two stretches of two-three weeks a year to keep track of your time and identify time wasting activities
  • This forces you to think about your daily routine and helps you become aware of pointless habits

Step 1: Know thy time

If you don’t measure your time, it’s tough to stop procrastinating or improve your productivity

  • To know where your time goes, keep an activity log
  • The specific method you use for your activity log doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is that you want to keep a record for at least two weeks

Step 2: Identify the non-productive work

What would happen if you would stop doing these recurring activities?

  • If the answer is “All hell breaks loose” then stop doing them.
  • Otherwise, nothing would happen.
  • Call these activities time-wasters
