Loneliness: Causes and Health Consequences

Loneliness: Causes and Health Consequences

Loneliness is a universal human emotion that is both complex and unique to each individual. Because it has no single common cause, the prevention and treatment of this potentially damaging state of mind can vary dramatically. This article discusses what we mean by the term “lonely” and the various causes, health consequences, symptoms, and potential treatments for loneliness.

Definition of Loneliness

Loneliness is actually a state of mind

Loneliness vs. Solitude

Loneliness is marked by feelings of isolation despite wanting social connections. It is often perceived as an involuntary separation, rejection, or abandonment by other people.

Tips to Prevent and Overcome Loneliness

Consider community service or another activity that you enjoy

Causes of Loneliness

Contributing factors include situational variables such as physical isolation, moving to a new location, divorce, and death

A Word From Verywell

Loneliness can have a serious effect on your health, so it is important to be able to recognize signs that you are feeling lonely.

Health Risks Associated With Loneliness

Loneliness has a wide range of negative effects on both physical and mental health, including: Alcohol and drug misuse, Alzheimer’s disease progression, Antisocial behavior, Cardiovascular disease and stroke, Decreased memory and learning, Depression and suicide, Increased stress levels, Poor decision-making, etc.

Close Friends Help Combat Loneliness

Having a few close friends is enough to ward off loneliness and reduce the negative health consequences associated with this state of mind.


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