Making Peace with Infinity

Making Peace with Infinity

Most of us won’t even realise how not present we are with our lives. This takes time to even notice and be aware of in the first place, so it’s important to pay attention to what you’re doing and how you’re not present with your life and become more aware of it.

Quitting Social Media

As long as you are connected to the internet, the internet will find a way to ensnare you in some form or another.

Content is Here to Stay

As long as we progress technologically in this information age, where content is king, we have to live with it

The Infinite Nature of the Internet

30,000 hours of newly uploaded content per hour on YouTube

Setting up limits

You know you are in a rut if you are on page 10 of the Reddit front page. Limit yourself to three pages, three videos, five videos, and a maximum of three pages a day.

Making Peace with Infinity

Work with what you want, not what the hours can give you

Training your nervous system

We cannot expect ourselves to be able to resist triggers if we don’t train our nervous system to handle these triggers

Step 1: Give up wanting it all

The first step is to acknowledge that you can never finish watching every video, TV show, movie, or reading every book you want

Step 2: Discern the Priorities

Be conscious of what you want to consume and don’t let content just be there


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