Are you feeling anxious while working from home? You're not alone. Let's delve into the roots of WFH paranoia, understand its triggers, and explore effective strategies to manage and overcome these unsettling feelings.

Paranoia causes you to irrationally scrutinize yourself and the behavior of others

Paranoia can lead you to fill in the blanks when someone doesn’t respond to an email or message, assuming it’s because your work isn’t up to *****

Depersonalize others’ actions

Empathic powers can be a gift and a burden

Compartmentalize your anxieties

Put stressful situations from your day into an imaginary backpack that you shrug off and leave in the corner of your home office overnight.

Make expectations explicit

To head off erroneous assumptions and misinterpretations, proactively set expectations with your manager, colleagues, and stakeholders around communication style, how decisions will be made, and even touchy subjects like how to handle conflicts and differences of opinion

Beware of scope creep

In an effort to stay relevant and in the loop, you may say “yes” to sitting in on every meeting, even if it doesn’t require your participation


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