Marketing Mess to Brand Success: 30 Challenges to Transform Your Organization’s Brand – Scott J. Miller

Marketing Mess to Brand Success: 30 Challenges to Transform Your Organization’s Brand  – Scott J. Miller
Marketing Mess to Brand Success: 30 Challenges to Transform Your Organization’s Brand – Scott J. Miller

Marketing Mess to Brand Success: 30 Challenges to Transform Your Organization’s Brand is a 2021 book by Scott J. Miller. 

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the key principles and strategies of successful brand building and marketing.

It addresses the most pressing issues of today’s competitive business environment, such as how to create a strong brand identity, how to engage and connect with your customers, and how to create effective marketing campaigns. 

It also provides 30 specific challenges and activities to help you take action and make lasting changes to your organization’s brand.

It’s the Customer, Stupid

Spend the next few days quietly listening in every meeting you attend and lead.

Discuss your insights with your colleagues without shaming anyone.

Consider, in every applicable meeting, agreeing to spend five minutes talking about how the meeting topic relates to real, identified, verified customer needs

Set a new (and short) recurring meeting, perhaps weekly and no longer than thirty minutes, to discuss only your customers. Each time an idea is introduced, ask these questions:

“How do we know that?”

“Which customer told us that?”

“Who did they tell it to?

If you had a war room, what would the sign currently say?

Bruise Hard and Heal Fast

Assess how adept you are at bouncing back from adversity, feedback, or disappointment. (You’ll likely rate yourself higher than a critic or detractor in your workplace would.)

Set a goal to become nimbler, both emotionally and mentally.

Have an emotional contingency plan

A good contingency plan will capture an event’s likelihood and impact (low, medium, and high), then present several mitigating strategies to employ if the emotional event takes place. Look online for more suggestions and examples of contingency planning you can draw from.

Don’t Only Do What You Know and Like Best

  • Determine the things you don’t like to do and are avoiding.
  • Ask yourself which parts of your marketing role bring you “discomfort” and how many of them you are avoiding, neglecting, or outright abandoning.
  • Brainstorm what you can do to feel less uncomfortable so that you gravitate toward them, not away from them.
  • Look for ways to improve your skills in that area.
  • If appropriate, delegate it to a colleague you trust and have empowered.
  • Identify someone to coach you so your confidence grows and the pain associated with it lessens.
  • Determine the things you like to do and are possibly overdoing.
  • Recognize that all people generally lean toward their strengths.
  • Evaluate if there are marketing areas you’re leaning too aggressively toward that may be damaging your brand or underdelivering to your company.

Make the language of the P&L second nature.

  • If you’re adept at reading a P&L, then take this opportunity to gather your team or anyone in your life who could benefit and run them through the categories.
  • If you work for a public company, access and review your annual report.
  • If you’re in a private organization or perhaps new in business and a P&L doesn’t exist, find one on the web and use it as a model to learn and teach from. It doesn’t really matter; just make the investment in helping others become better educated.
  • Find an expert to help you.

Understand and Define Your Charter

  • Become more self-aware about your general level of guessing in life.
  • Take control of the conversation with your leader as it relates to clarifying your charter.
  • Exercise the maturity, wisdom, and sound judgement to establish your own charter if there is no clear direction from your leader
  • Ensure that every necessary stakeholder has agreed to and bought in to your marketing commitments so everyone owns the successes and failures (there will be both).
  • Identify areas in your life where there’s interpersonal conflict.
  • Consider how clarifying expectations could not only lessen or eliminate the stress, but even build higher trust in the process and person.

Marketing Is Not Just a Division

Have a conversation with every associate to reinforce their role as a brand ambassador.

Talk about proactive efforts associates can engage in to build the brand and even easily promote your products and services, including:

  • Making it affordable for associates to use, wear, and even distribute your products and services to their networks. Setting some preapproved guidelines can also shrink or eliminate employee theft.
  • Discussing the “undiscussables,” such as dress, hygiene, and other reasonable protocols related to representing your brand well. Morals and standards clauses are increasingly common beyond the C-suite.

Focus on building a winning culture—a place where people love to come because they are challenged, respected, and given the freedom to take reasonable risks that stretch their skills.

Associates who feel trusted and trust their employer (and their direct leaders) are more loyal and protective, often intentionally choosing to “talk up” their organization.

Decide Your Own Tenure

Think carefully about what you’d like to accomplish through your marketing contribution:

  • Can you achieve it in eighteen months? thirty-six months?
  • Are you building a clear plan to execute on the goals you’ve committed to so you can declare victory and move on to something greater?

Remember Acuff’s advice: “Perfection is the enemy of completion.”

Assess where you are on your career track:

Have you discussed with your leader what’s next? Or is that conversation premature or too awkward or too scary, so you’re avoiding it?

Accept that there is likely some dissonance going on between how you and your leader see your career. T

Lots of Stuff Won’t Work

Recognize that everyone has blind spots—even you and me.

Privately, with nobody watching or judging you, make a T-chart (a simple listing of “pros and cons”) on a sheet of paper and write a theme such as “My Strengths” and “My Weaknesses,” or “How I Focus Others” and “How I Distract Others,” or even “How I Add” and “How I Subtract.”

Use whichever heading will tighten your thinking on how you are part of the solution or problem regarding what’s working and what’s not.

Open your calendar and set aside time for uninterrupted thinking, perhaps at the start of each day or even the beginning of the week.

“People prefer doing to thinking.”

Stay Close to the Cash

Ask yourself why you’ve chosen a career in marketing? What do you believe that really means in terms of your contribution to the cash-generating machine?

If you haven’t proactively chosen a marketing role but ended up with it as an additional responsibility, how will you fine-tune your marketing and business acumen to ensure relevance when it’s potentially not your real passion or area of expertise?

Challenge your marketing-role paradigm.

  • Are you hiding from revenue responsibility in the marketing department?
  • Why are you in marketing instead of sales, product development, or some other role or division?
  • What’s your contribution beyond traditional (and important) marketing activities to ensure the long-term growth and viability of your company?
  • Ask yourself on a daily or hourly basis, How is what I’m working on now ensuring cash generation for the company?
  • How will you insulate yourself from the winds of change (a.k.a. the whims of the C-suite) when they need to cut costs or change strategy?

Become the Leader of Business Development

Recognize that brand is invaluable, but you can’t deposit it into the bank and fund payroll from it.

Check your ego and better align marketing’s functions (and your own skills) to support sales

Ask the questions you should be asking but likely aren’t.

  • Do you have the organization’s revenue goals committed to memory?
  • Does every member of your team know them as well?
  • Do you know daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly how the organization is performing financially?
  • What measures are sales struggling to meet and exceed; and how, specifically, can marketing address them?
  • Is the CEO confusing marketing with sales in a good way? What could you do to create more of that positive confusion (without hijacking or undermining the sales leader’s role, which could erode trust if done with bad intent)?
