‘Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor’ by Layla F. Saad is an insightful guide that challenges readers to confront their own white supremacy and privilege. It provides a framework for understanding how these forces manifest and perpetuate systemic racism, and offers actionable steps towards dismantling them.

Understanding White Supremacy

White supremacy is not limited to overt racism or hate groups, but is a system that privileges white individuals and culture over others.

It’s deeply embedded in our society, institutions, and individual behaviors.

The Impact of White Saviorism

White saviorism is the belief that white people must ‘save’ people of color.

This mindset perpetuates harmful stereotypes, undermines the agency of people of color, and detracts from systemic issues.

Understanding White Apathy

White apathy is indifference to racism and racial injustice, often stemming from the privilege of not being directly affected.

This apathy allows systemic racism to persist.

The Role of White Centering

White centering is the practice of centering the experiences, emotions, and perspectives of white people in discussions about racism.

This practice marginalizes people of color and maintains white supremacy.