Misophonia: When sounds really do make you “crazy”

Misophonia: When sounds really do make you “crazy”

Your 6-year-old yawns and it triggers a fight-or-flight reaction in you. You hear your spouse breathing nearby and you instantly get angry. You avoid restaurants because you can’t stand the sound of chewing. Sounds other people don’t even seem to notice drive you up a wall.

What is misophonia?

Misophonia is a real disorder that seriously compromises functioning, socializing, and mental health.

What causes misophonia?

Misophonia can be caused by exposure to certain sounds (e.g. eating and breathing) or neutral sounds (such as rain).

The brain science of misophonia

The team’s important finding was in a part of the brain that plays a role both in anger and in integrating outside inputs (such as sounds) with inputs from organs such as the heart and lungs: the anterior insular cortex (AIC).


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